Welcome to M&S Farms, nestled in the heart of Eastern Colorado in Sheridan Lake, where we proudly cultivate and offer two premium certified and registered wheat varieties.


Hard Red

Released in 2018, Whistler is an attractive high yielding variety that is later maturing, with taller plant height. Whistler has proven exceptional against stripe rust, and stem rust, while providing solid resistance to WSMV and SBMV. Focus planting on dryland acres only, given this variety has marginal straw strength under high moisture. Considering its later maturity, plant in sequence with earlier maturing varieties to expand your harvest flexibility. PVP Protected; to be sold by variety name only as a class of certified seed.

  • Maurity: Medium-late
  • Height: Medium-tall
  • Coleptile length: Medium


Hard Red

Released in 2019, Guardian is the first in its class to deliver superior resistance to wheat viruses, from stacking a gene for resistance to the Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (Wsm-2 ) with a gene for resistance to the wheat curl mite which transmits WSMV, wheat mosaic virus, and Triticum mosaic virus. Guardian also carries leading resistance to all three predominant rusts (Stripe, Leaf, and Stem). This strong disease package, combined with very good yield potential, exceptional test weight, and strong ability to make grain protein provide the highest package of value in the market to maximize ROI year after year. Protect your wheat fields and pocketbook by investing in Guardian. PVP Protected, Certified Seed Only, Sunset June 30th, 2024 (savable harvest, 2024).

  • Maurity: Medium
  • Height: Medium-tall
  • Coleptile length: Medium

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